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#1 2021-02-03 13:21:13

Registered: 2020-12-09
Posts: 8

Stepper motor driver fault detected

I have a 3D printer I built using Rasberry Pi 3B+ and a nanodlp 1.1 shield.  I am having an issue... when I boot up the z stepper motor starts making a whining sound as if it was spinning but there is no motion.  When I go into Z Axis control and press up 10mm it does spin, but in large pulses.  the reading at the bottoms shows "Stepper motor driver fault detected" although it does eventually show movement completed.  Even then the motor continues making noises.  I have 2 questions- is there an obvious solution for this?  How do I go about figuring out what the error is>  (Complete noob question but I've gotten hung up here).

Thanks for any advise/help you can offer.


#2 2021-02-04 01:28:32

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 306

Re: Stepper motor driver fault detected

There are a couple of possibilities.
Most likely is that the wiring to the stepper is incorrect.  Try and find the specification sheet for your stepper motor so you can identify the 2 individual coils of the motor itself then check the wiring from your stepper driver.  By using a multimeter you can check which are the connections for each coil in the motor.

The other option is that you need to set up the correct current to drive your stepper motor . This is usually achieved by turning the small cross head screw on the stepper driver itself. Typically there are 2 test points on the driver where you can measure a voltage which represents the current applied to the motor. You will have to find the specs for your driver and set it correctly for the motor you have. In many cases the reference voltage can be measured between GND and the screwhead itself.   
Here is how to set the voltage ( current) on a typical DRV8825 … lectronics

The main thing to remember is that while experimenting with wiring changes you always power down before making any changes , then power back on.  These types of motors and drivers are quite robust in normal use but very intolerant to intermittent wiring connections.

If you have more question please provide further info on which stepper driver youre using and motor.  Pictures would be helpful too .

Good luck

Last edited by bigfilsing (2021-02-04 01:32:46)


#3 2021-02-04 13:32:36

Registered: 2020-12-09
Posts: 8

Re: Stepper motor driver fault detected


Thank you!  Excuse my ignorance... according to the nanodlp shield 1.1 there is no voltage adjustment for the stepper motor (the stepper driver is built in to the board).  I essentially connected the stepper motor directly to the nanodlp board with the stepper cable provided with the motor.  Here are the specs on the specific components I used:

Nano Dlp Shield 1.1

Nema 17 Stepper Motor and cable

If I understand both components this should just be plug and play...  the only adjustment is the microstepping.

Am I overlooking a possibility?


#4 2021-02-05 01:35:05

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 306

Re: Stepper motor driver fault detected

If you follow the link to the Nano DLP shield 1.1   you can see there is an adjustment screw in the picture next to the chip … 1.jpg?dl=0

Further down the page in the layout picture it is noted as "motor current adjust" 

You can measure the voltage "on" that screw.   The voltage represents the current being applied to the motor.

Last edited by bigfilsing (2021-02-06 01:33:08)


#5 2021-02-05 01:48:44

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 306

Re: Stepper motor driver fault detected

so according to the FYSTEC spec sheet the driver chip is a DRV8825
so the set up vid link i posted earlier should work !!


#6 2021-02-05 11:41:57

Registered: 2020-12-09
Posts: 8

Re: Stepper motor driver fault detected

Wow, I totally missed that one!  Thank you!  I'll try it out today and let you know how that works


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